Tuesday, February 26, 2013

me lately

comemoriating this fine tuesday with an awkward selfie of yours truly. :) i have approximately 16 minutes until my companion arrives to take me visiting teaching... and to quickly update the very [few] remaining readers of this blog, what i've been up to lately. ♥

 1) i'm growing out my hair until my anniversary. i don't know why. but i am.

2) i love my job at church & though it is busy, it is rewarding & wonderful. we just had our new beginnings night & it's time to start planning camp! already!

3) i am fixin' to start teaching a layout class again at ETC in the summer....last tuesdays of june & august...mark your calendars scrap-peeps!

4) myron & i are having a weight loss competition in which the winner gets some money to spend on whatever they wish. he is threatening to buy rabbits for his farm in the backyard. rabbits = the ultimate motivation to out-lose him. i need to get serious. haha

5) i don't want to get serious. i hate being serious. waa-waa.

6) my girls are truly precious lately & it's hard for me to imagine that they are turning 4 & 7 in the next few weeks. livy wants a monkey party & chloe wants a wizard of oz party. even though i'm 99.9% positive that she's never seen the wizard of oz, and 100% positive she'd be terrified of it. :)

7) i just read a GREAT book by jeffery r. holland. seriously life changing. i'll blog about that later.

8) i've decided i like cooking. as long as my kitchen is clean.

9) myron has the week off due to use-it, or lose-it vacation. i am seriously so excited about that fact. he's a gem.

10) i should have spent the last 16 minutes weeding my yard. the rain did a number on the amazon-like conditions out there. maybe later? maybe not. we'll see. ♥



Angie said...

Love reading your blog! Love your perspective! Miss you and your cute family!

Kate said...

My 3 wishes:
To come to your girls' birthday parties and hang with you and your cute family!
That cooking didn't equal dirty dishes.
That my hubby had the week off too!

Bev said...

I'm glad you didn't weed your yard and decided to post on your blog instead. You yard always looks good and your blog makes me happy!!

Brittany T. said...

Oh angie, I love you! I agree w/Bev and reading your blog makes me happy!
oh, could you email me the name of the book you read by Holland?

p.s. I want to see the new Oz movie!