Sunday, April 21, 2013

on docmenting ♥

between all the forms of social media [facebook, insta, twitter]'s hard for me to decide how i want to keep and preserve my memories. blog book? photo album? project life? scrapbooking? i know that i love to share & be inspired by others online, to an obnoxious extreme. it's fun & makes me happy. i'm pretty sure i annoy everyone on my feed & friends list, but as myron often hilariously reminds me, "sheryl crow says- if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad." haha

i take lots of pictures....and eventually i'd like to have them all in order & documented for safe keeping. :) it's important to me. :) so i think i'm deciding, for this year at least - i'm doing project life. and i love, love, love insta because i take pictures about little details of my life, all the time. and then they are in order when i go to print! plus i have a closet full of craft supplies that i'd like to put to good, i'm teaching again at ETC this summer. :)  party! :)

here are my first two weeks of project life....all journaled out. super simple, but still colorful and matchy- the way my brain works best. ;) ***i know all of this is just for fun and extra, and not imperative to my eternal salvation........but it's something i enjoy & it reminds me of blessings. it helps me be grateful for my simple, little beautiful life. and i think i need to surround myself with more of those things.

i would still like to blog here & there about random stuff every once in a while. truth be told, i'm not on facebook as much these days......i'm sorta over the distractions & uncontrolled influx of random opinions & information i get on there. insta & project life are where it's at for me in 2013. i'll let you know how it goes & i'll probably use this blog to organize my photos in order of weeks. :) i'm excited & i have a few buddies doing it with me, so yay. ♥

1 comment:

The Candlands said...

I think I am about ready to do a Facebook fast. I feel rotten when I am on it. When I really get down to it, I realize I am putting thoughts out there that people comment on and I care too much about the compliments and negative feedback. How is that healthy for me?!
I lovey dovey the SIMPLICITY of Project Life! I can use my stash and not break the bank. I love that it's helping me journal and that's how I justify's for my posterity.
PS how are you printing your insta pics? I am thinking of trying Persnickity like everyone says. I also pinned a way on Pinterest through PicFrame and Costco.