you guys! i read this book recently & just had to share!
it was truly a blessing/miracle in my life to read it when i did.
it brought comfort & encouragement & strength.
it certainly helped me in my efforts to achieve more peace in my life this year. ♥
the author, jeffery r. holland, is an apostle/leader of my church.
i'm not sure if it's appropriate or allowed to have a favorite apostle,
haha/jk, but he might be it for me!
his words, ideas, spirit & counsel truly resonate with me.
sidenote: my missionary sister holly, wrote in her family email today & said she got to meet elder holland in england & participate in lesson[s] given by him! so amazing! i respect this man so much & honor his divine authority. ♥
in this book, he shares insights & truths about the savior.
he specifically goes through psalms in the bible & relates them to our earthly journey
& how they can give us the perspective we need to face any adversity.
i love how the underlying message was the atonement.
that by+through grace we can accomplish our INDIVIDUAL missions on this earth.
it's message was so uplifting.
there is also a 2 hour long DVD that came with it,
that i will treasure & presumably watch over & over.
my testimony of christ has truly been stregthened by this book+DVD.
i fall short & make mistakes, have flaws & insecurities - we all do -
this book validated a need i had in my heart to remember:
that even though we make mistakes, we always have the compensating power of the atonement,
that our lives & circumstances are unique and indiviual,
& that "nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of god, which is in christ jesus our lord"
in short:
great read/highly recommend! ♥